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Duty of Candour

Commitment Statement

Candour is defined in the Francis report as:

 “The volunteering of all relevant information to persons who have or may have been harmed by the provision of services, whether or not the information has been requested and whether or not a complaint or a report about that provision has been made.”

“Your GP Partners and College Health Ltd openly support duty of candour and commit to always be open, honest and transparent. As an advocate for doing the right thing, I fully support the ‘being open policy’ and actively encourage our staff to be raise their hand if something goes wrong and always have the courage and commitment to be truthful in their dealings with our patients. 

My aim is that we should provide a gold standard of candour to our patients and carers.

We will achieve this by ensuring patients:

  • Receive an apology that genuinely conveys that the clinician is sorry for the harm that has been caused
  • Understand what can be done to deal with the harm
  • That they will be consulted as part of  a comprehensive  investigation that will find the root cause and any contributory factors that led to the harm
  • To know what will be done to prevent a recurrence to somebody else.

We will ensure all incidents and complaints are fully investigated and any lessons learned are shared within the organisation, with commissioners and patients alike. 

In delivering this statement I have the whole hearted commitment of Dr C Olukanni [Lead Partner] to support myself, and the Practice team to achieve this”.

Mrs Sharon Hogarth (Managing Partner)