Information below taken from:
What is MSE RSS?
The MSE – Referral Support Service (RSS) is part of Mid and South Essex Integrated Care System (ICS) – working with health and care organisations across mid and south Essex to improve health and wellbeing.
We will support you from the time your GP refers you to a specialist service until you get your appointment and provide advice and support along the way.
The RSS will support you to access the services you need, including booking your hospital appointment if you need help. You may be able to access treatment sooner if you are willing to travel to a hospital out of area by contacting the team. The team have good knowledge about national and locally commissioned health and wellbeing services and are friendly and helpful. We aim to offer you an efficient and problem-free service.
Your referral journey
You will be referred to a speciality and not a specific consultant. In addition to the usual hospital services there are many community specialist services available across mid and south Essex.
These services are provided by specialist nurses, therapists or a specialist GP and may be able to be see you sooner and closer to your home.
The referral will include any preferences that you have discussed with your doctor and any special needs that you may have, including translation services, transport or additional health needs.
Sometimes a doctor’s referral needs more information, clarification or funding approval and the RSS team may need to contact your doctor for further information.
Your referral will be reviewed by a specialist who will make sure that you are seen by the right service. After review, if you need to be seen at the hospital an appointment will be sent in the post or if your condition can be treated by your doctor, the specialist will provide advice to your GP who will make contact with you.
Whilst you await your appointment you can access the Essex Wellbeing service. They will provide you with practical, emotional, health and wellbeing advice support and signpost, they help Essex residents to lead their best possible life. For more information, please call 0300 303 998 or go on the Essex wellbeing service website.
The NHS App provides a simple secure way for people to access a range of NHS service on their smartphone or tablet.
How to book
There are instructions in the letter from the Referral Support Service or your GP telling you how to arrange an appointment. You can book by:
- going online at
- telephoning the National Booking Service on 0345 608 8888 (Textphone 0345 850 2250)
- Alternatively, you can call Referral Support Service on 0300 123 0771 (local call rate) between 8am and 6pm Monday to Friday and a member of the team will support you with your booking.
If you are willing to travel or would like more choices of hospitals, please call the RSS team.
Your responsibility
We encourage patients to be involved in their care. You must update your GP practice when you:
- Move address
- Change your name
- Change your contact details
This is to make sure you receive all information about your care promptly.
However, you arrange your appointment please make a note of the details of the date, time and location during booking as some hospitals do not send a confirmation letter.
Remember – you must make yourself available and attend appointments.
If you are unable to make the appointment, please contact the hospital at your earliest convenience so it can be offered to another patient.
You can change or cancel your appointment online or by telephone up to two working days before the scheduled time. If you do not attend your first appointment without providing notice, or if you cancel your appointment twice, your referral will be clinically reviewed, and you may be discharged back to your GP. Patients with urgent clinical need, children under the age of 18 and vulnerable adults will be offered a further appointment.
Where to go for more information
If you have a compliment or complaint or would like to request this information in an alternative format, i.e. large font, or another language, then please get in touch with our patient experience team.